EINAS1 : Second Project

These are my second project, with painting and making prototype, again. And now, it's about Shape and Form.

"shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface, as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material composition." - Wikipedia
In simple way, shape is two dimensional drawing. In this project, I have to make overlap and pattern from transformed square and peacock that have been simplified. And this is the overlap of transformed square that I painted.

CANVAS (Painting)
: Fresh
Applied Element: Transformed Square, color value, space

And this is another project with the same theme, which is shape. We have to simplified (in Indonesian, we called it stilasi) a room that my lecturer showed. But, I changed the colors and situation from the original photo. So this is my simplified room painting.

CANVAS (Painting)
: Warm & Comfy
Applied Element: Shape, Color hue

"Form (visual art), a three-dimensional geometrical figure; one of the seven elements of art." - Wikipedia

In this task, I had to make prototype from PVC board about geometrical or non-geometrical form. This is the result:

: Unity, Planar
Applied Element: Cubes with different size
: Abstract, Mass
Applied Element: Triangle Prism


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