INACOMP 2: Final Exam
Today I would like to present about my works for Interior Architecture Communication and Presentation 2 final exam. This exam was on June 20th, 2017. So, firstly, I will explain to you what's the exam for this semester. For this 2nd semester, my final exam is about appreciating famous-architect's work. I have to make a mock-up and a presentation on A1 paper with building's profile and architect's profile on it. This time, I got andramatin as my role model and I chose AM House (Andra Matin House) as my mock-up. So this is my work: Andra Matin House, atau biasa yang disebut AM House, terletak di Jakarta Selatan. Rumah ini dibangun oleh Isandra Matin Ahmad, a famous Indonesian architect . Beliau terinspirasi dari suasana tropis di Indonesia, sehingga membuat banyak bukaan pada rumah ini dan banyaknya kebun yang dibangun. Material yang dipakai pun sangat alami. Beliau membangun rumah ini dengan finishing beton tanpa dicat, dan menggunak...